It seems WhatsApp is taking the end-of-year updates seriously. Last week, we shared that the app would introduce a party mode for celebrations, and today…
US technology giant Microsoft has announced that it will sell cloud gaming rights for Activision…
The portable gaming PC market is becoming more competitive, with many manufacturers releasing advanced and…
While iPhone sales have slowed in recent months, Apple is banking on artificial intelligence (AI)…
On Thursday, April 4, 2024, the third phase of the "Season of…
The Blizzard aim to enhance the gameplay experience for Retribution Paladins in…
Even though Season 4 of WoW Dragonflight promises fun, players should still…
Unleash Power, Embrace Stealth: Exploring the MSI GS66 Stealth 2021 - Where…
PlayStation is rolling out an update for the PS5 to alter how…
An update promoted by Meta will result in 35 devices from various…
ASUS has scheduled an event to introduce its first PC with Artificial…
The recent Knuckles series received an audience score of only 75% on…
The new expansion of WoW brings in another race you can play.…
Data mining discoveries indicate that the first expansion of Diablo 4, known…
Recently, the well-known speedrunner Joana, also known as Furious Paul, sadly passed…
The Blizzard Entertainment recently announced Diablo 4: Season 4 officially. This time,…
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