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ASUS Will Announce Improved Version of ROG Ally In June

ASUS won’t release the ROG Ally 2 yet. The Verge spoke with ASUS representatives who revealed plans to update the ROG Ally laptop as “ROG Ally X”. This update will bring some improvements, but it’s not a complete successor.

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Similar to discussions about “PlayStation 5” and “PlayStation 5 Pro”, ASUS is expected to announce the new version of the same console in June. They’ll provide details about this next launch. This denies the rumor about a true successor arriving during Computex 2024.

Details of ROG Ally X Upgrade

The information isn’t a rumor; it came from ASUS’s senior vice president, Shawn Yen, in an official capacity. He clarified that the ROG Ally X won’t undergo the same treatment as Valve’s Steam Deck OLED. Instead, it will have similar hardware to its predecessor, with some specific updates. This announcement followed the release of a video teasing the “next ROG Ally”.

ASUS Will Announce Improved Version of ROG Ally In June (1)

Yen emphasized the battery as a key improvement. The new device will have a slightly larger chassis to accommodate a more powerful battery. Although he didn’t disclose the exact size, he mentioned that the energy capacity will increase by over 40%. Given that the current Ally lasts one to three hours, this is a significant boost in usage time.

Product manager Gabriel Meng added that the battery is just one aspect of improvement. ASUS has been actively engaging with the community, gathering feedback from official and third-party forums. Meng highlighted plans for enhancements in graphics, memory, and storage, among other areas, for the upcoming release.

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ROG Ally: Enhanced Storage, Interchangeable Modules, and Improved Cooling

The company didn’t give exact numbers but assured that the ROG Ally will have storage greater than the current 512 GB.

The laptop’s external modules will be more interchangeable, making it easier to change levers and buttons. This will improve the product’s repairability and technical assistance.

While some components like the motherboard will be repeated, they’ve been repositioned for better cooling. Fans had complained about the SD card reader overheating, causing overall temperature increases with minimal usage.

ASUS claims that overheating wasn’t widespread, but to improve cooling, the ROG Ally X has rearranged internal components. This allows for better distribution of temperature by creating more space for air to pass through. The redesign was necessary for upgrades, not due to complaints from a few users.

Read Also: ASUS ROG Ally 2 Rumored for 2024 Launch with Enhanced Gaming Features and Windows 11 Integration

The Taiwanese manufacturer agrees with Valve’s philosophy for the Steam Deck. They believe the true successor to the ROG Ally should only come when there’s a significant leap in performance and technology. They don’t want to add a “2” to the name just for minor upgrades. However, it’s likely that the ROG Ally X will have a higher price tag.

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