The Burning Crusade (TBC) Timewalking event offers several opportunities to get valuable gear this week in WoW: The War Within.
The first Timewalking week of WoW: TWW Season 1 has begun, allowing you to easily acquire numerous champion items and even a hero item through weekly quests, Timewalking dungeons, and the Timewalking raid. This week, players can travel back to the era of The Burning Crusade.
The weekly Timewalking quest rewards you with a Cache of Nerubian Treasures. To earn this, you need to complete five Timewalking dungeons or defeat bosses in the Black Temple Timewalking Raid. The Nerubian Chest contains a random item from the normal mode of the Palace of the Nerub’ar, though set items are excluded from the chest.
The Burning Crusade (TBC) Timewalking in TWW

You can easily accept the Timewalking quest through the Adventure Guide (Shift+J) or by speaking to Archivist Frithrun in Dornogal. During the TBC Timewalking event, you will also gain a 50% bonus reputation with the TBC factions, as usual. The gear you loot in Timewalking dungeons will be adjusted to match the new expansion’s level.
In the Black Temple Timewalking Raid, champion items (item level 597, champion 1/8) can drop, which is equivalent to normal raid-level gear. However, Timewalking raids are typically easier than normal raids, as experience has shown.
By completing the weekly quest ” Disturbance Detected: Black Temple,” you will earn a reward chest containing a random hero item from the raid.
To enter the Timewalking Raid, speak to Vormu in Shattrath (/way 54.6 39.0). Defeat the final boss, Illidan, in the Black Temple and loot the Time-warped Illidari Battle Plans to complete the quest.
With some luck, you could also get a Cache of Timewarped Treasures or the rare mount, Ashes of Al’ar. These extra loot sources (from both the NHC and Hero Chests) give you even more reason to delay choosing an item from your Great Vault. It’s better to see what you get from other weekly events before making your final decision from the Vault.