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Microsoft Removes Guidance on How to Switch to a Local Account

Users can switch from a Microsoft account to a local one. However, it seems that the manufacturer doesn’t want to disclose how to do it. Microsoft openly prefers users to use a Microsoft account. Despite this, local accounts remain functional in Windows 11.

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Previously, in a support document, the manufacturer provided steps for switching from a Microsoft account to a local account. However, these instructions have now been removed. Tom’s Hardware reported this change.

According to the Internet Archive, the instructions were originally published on June 12, 2024, and removed just a few days later on June 17. The updated page now only offers guidance on switching from a local account to a Microsoft account.

Account Switching Remains Possible

The instructions that were removed explain in four steps how users can switch to a local account. To begin, navigate to system settings and select Accounts > Your info from the menu. Here, you’ll find a yellow link labeled “Sign in with a local account instead”. Clicking this link will redirect users to the account menu, where they can create their preferred account using a username and password.

Microsoft Removes Guidance on How to Switch to a Local Account

Despite the removal of these instructions, switching to a local account is still feasible. However, Microsoft is making this process more challenging for non-technical users by eliminating the assistance previously available. Generally, the manufacturer advises using a Microsoft account for accessing the Microsoft Store and for synchronization with other services like OneDrive or Microsoft 365.

According to Microsoft, their accounts offer enhanced security features such as biometric and second-factor login options. Nevertheless, there are situations where using a Microsoft account is not feasible, such as in cases of limited internet connectivity. Additionally, some individuals choose not to use such accounts on principle.

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