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World of Warcraft: Pandaren Bots Conquer the Capitals in Dragonflight

The bot problem in WoW: Dragonflight has been worsening recently. Why? And why are they always Pandaren Death Knights?

“Did the Lich King actually win and we missed it?” This question is on the minds of many Dragonflight players when they visit the capital cities of Orgrimmar and Stormwind. There’s a noticeable increase in Death Knights in both the Alliance and Horde cities.

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Seeing many new players embracing the Death Knight might seem positive. However, it’s actually a significant bot issue that has persisted for months now.

Why Are There So Many Pandaren Death Knights?

I’m assuming these are bots? Lmao
byu/BortJH inwow


In WoW: Dragonflight, guides quickly notice the influx of new accounts. The Murloc symbol above the heads of numerous Pandaren Death Knights gives them away, even when they lurk in the inns and alleys of capital cities (when not stationed at mailboxes).

Being a guide is great! You can see all the Panda bots hiding in the capital city.
byu/Coleslaw1989 inwow

However, this surge doesn’t represent a wave of genuine new players independently discovering Pandaren Death Knights. Instead, it’s bots flooding the channels with their spamming services.

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Why This Race/Class Combo?

The bot operators aim to swiftly bring new characters to capital cities to access the service channels.

This is what Orgrimmar looks on my realm
byu/_Tarvish inwow

Pandaren Death Knights have an advantage over other Death Knights because they skip the usual starting area for this class and are instantly teleported to either Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

This has been a common practice for months, but currently, the bot issue is especially noticeable. On servers with low player populations, capital cities now host more bots than actual players.

These bots frequently position themselves near mailboxes to conduct their gold-selling operations. Occasionally, they also conceal themselves to evade detection by real players, thus minimizing the risk of immediate reporting.

Why Doesn’t Blizzard Do Anything About the Bot Plague?

Redditor deathbythirty took things to the extreme with his post. The Pandaren in his picture are partly edited using Photoshop, but that’s exactly how many players currently feel about the capitals – overrun by bots!

The absolute state of stormwind in 2024
byu/deathbythirty inwow

His post is now 5 months old, and the bot problem has persisted for at least that long. The question remains: why aren’t Blizzard developers taking action?

Historically, Blizzard has allowed bots some freedom to avoid individually banning each one. Instead, they focus on catching entire bot groups and temporarily disabling large WoW bot farms.

It appears that Blizzard’s management is taking their time addressing the issue of Pandaren bots. Perhaps they are occupied with managing multiple WoW versions, the TWW beta, and other priorities. When do you think they will address the Death Knight bots? Have you noticed them in the capital cities?

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