On Thursday, November 30, 2023, the first phase of the “Season of Discovery” for all WoW Classic fans kicked off. One of the most significant new mechanics is the introduction of new class runes for enhanced player power, and in this gameplay tip, you’ll find all the known ones for priests along with their locations.
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For the “Season of Discovery” presented at BlizzCon 2023 for World of Warcraft Classic, also known as “Classic+,” developers introduced a range of new features. This includes additional level phases before reaching level 60, new level-up raids, new class roles, and a new runic engraving and rune system for increased player power.
In the latter, players will unlock runes from new “discovery” quests, treasure chests, or secrets scattered throughout Azeroth. Once a rune is unlocked, it gets added to the new rune interface connected to the character window. From there, players can cast “Rune Engraving” spells and attach runes to various equipment pieces. Once attached, a new spell is unlocked for the player.
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In the following gameplay tip, we present all the known runes for priests and their locations in the Season of Discovery – Phase 1 or Level 25.

WoW Classic Discovery: All Runes for Priests (Level 25, Phase 1)
Prayer of Mending
Slot: Legs
Casts a spell on the target, healing it for (* 93 / 100) health the next time it takes damage or is healed. If triggered, ‘Prayer of Mending’ jumps to a group or raid member within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts for 30 seconds after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time.
After finding Adventurer’s Remains or Adventurer’s Spirit at one of the listed locations below, team up with another healer of any class to start the ritual. This will summon a mob that drops a rune for each participating player upon defeat. However, the mob will disappear for a while after someone kills it, making it challenging to complete the quest in crowded zones.
Alliance Locations
- Dun Morogh: Inside the Grizzled Den (/way 43.0, 49.6).
- Elwynn Forest: East of a hill in the southern Elwynn Forest (/way 52, 84.5).
- Teldrassil: Near the Oracle Glade (/way 33.6, 35.6).
Horde Locations
- Durotar: South of the Valley of Trials (/way 48.0, 79.6).
- Mulgore: Inside the Venture Co. Mine (/way 60.4, 33.6).
Mind Blast
Slot: Hands
Triggers an explosion of shadow magic around the target enemy, dealing shadow damage every 1 second for 5 seconds to all enemies within 10 yards.
Dark Revelation is available for purchase for 2 Gold when you reach “Friendly” reputation with the Supply and Logistics factions of Durotar for Horde players or Azeroth Trade Commission for Alliance players.
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Shared Pain
Slot: Legs
Your ‘Shadow Word: Pain’ now affects up to 2 additional targets within 15 yards.
Alliance Locations
- Dun Morogh: Drops from Captain Beld.
- Elwynn Forest: Drops from Kobold Mine Workers.
- Teldrassil: Drops from Lord Melenas.
Horde Locations
- Durotar: Drops from Makasgar, Zalazane, Warlord Kolkanis, Hellcaller Hohn, or Gazz’uz.
- Tirisfal Glades: Drops from Tirisfal Farmer.
Stroke of Luck
Slot: Chest
Your healing with ‘Flash Heal’ reduces the cast time of your next use of ‘Lesser Heal,’ ‘Heal,’ ‘Greater Heal,’ or ‘Prayer of Healing’ by 20% for 20 seconds. Stackable up to 3 times.
This rune is sold by Grizzby in Ratchet. To buy this rune, complete the following prerequisites at Grizzby:
Shredder Turbocharger: Bring Grizzby 16 Shredder Turbochargers, obtained by using the Automatic Salvage Unit on Venture Co. Shredders in the Windshear Crag in Stonetalon Mountains.
Edict of the Dark Iron Dwarves: Bring Grizzby 20 Edict of the Dark Iron Dwarves, obtained by killing Dark Iron Dwarf Rebels in the north of Loch Modan or Dark Iron Dwarf Snipers and other Dark Iron Dwarves in the north of the Wetlands.
Fish Oil: Bring Grizzby 24 Fish Oil, obtained by killing Murlocs in the Hillsbrad Foothills or Swamp of Sorrows. You can also use the Auction House, as these items are quite common.
Slot: Legs
Releases shards from your soul to summon 3 miniature copies of yourself, attempting to attack your current target with a mace, sword, and axe. They reduce the attack speed, attack power, or armor of all hit targets.
To learn this rune, two different meditation buffs must be active simultaneously.
Alliance Locations
- Dun Morogh: Drops from Frostmane Seer and Frostmane Shadowcasters near Shimmer Ridge.
- Elwynn Forest: Drops from Defias Renegade Warlocks at Stone Cairn Lake.
- Teldrassil: Drops from Grells in the Foul Den Cave.
Horde Locations
- Durotar: Drops from Voodoo Trolls near Zalazane.
- Tirisfal: Drops from Scarlet Warriors and Scarlet Missionaries near Solliden’s Farm.
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Powerful Soul
Slot: Chest
‘Lesser Heal,’ ‘Heal,’ ‘Greater Heal,’ and ‘Flash Heal’ reduce the remaining duration of ‘Weakened Soul’ on healed targets by 4 seconds. In addition, targets of your ‘Power Word: Shield’ gain ‘Rage’ if they suffer damage despite absorbed damage, and ‘Wrath of Justice’ is triggered by damage absorbed by ‘Power Word: Shield’ as if it were healing.
Acquire Original Insight from any Thistlefur mob in Ashenvale, then climb the tree at /way 38, 29 behind the cave entrance. Use Original Insight next to the Dreamcatcher with two different meditation buffs active.
Circle of Healing
Slot: Hands
Heals all group members of the target player within 40 yards around the target player for (*162/100) to (*180/100).
Duskwood: Dark Insight drops from Defias Night Runners, Defias Night Blades, and Defias Enchanters. The secluded grave, to which you must bring the item, is located approximately at /way 90, 30, northeast of Darkshire. To learn this rune, two meditation buffs must be active.
Power Word: Barrier
Slot: Legs
Summons a holy barrier that protects all group members at the target location for 10 seconds. The barrier reduces all damage taken by 25% and prevents damage taken from delaying spellcasting.
Redridge Mountains: Drops from Blackrock Shadowcasters in the Stonewatch area of Redridge Mountains. To learn the rune, two different meditation buffs must be active.
Slot: Chest
‘Mind Flay’ and ‘Mind Blast’ deal 50% more damage when the target is affected by your ‘Shadow Word: Pain.’
Alliance Locations
- Loch Modan: Kill Kobolds in Silver Stream Mine until you receive a Sacrificial Coin as a drop. Take the first left turn in the cave, and you should see a well – throw the coin into it to obtain the rune.
- Westfall: Drops from Immortal Workers found in the Gold Coast Quarry. Use Holy damage to kill the mobs.
- Darkshore: Obtain Splinterspear Offering from Naga mobs. Then jump into the Ruins of Mathystra basin and apply the offering to a statue underwater (/way 59.2, 22.6).
Horde Locations
- The Barrens: Loot Helping Hand from Razormane mobs. You must then cast Resurrection (specifically Rank 1) on a player to open the hand and loot the rune from it.
- Silverpine Forest: Drops from Wailing Spirit at /way 60, 74.
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Void Plague
Slot: Chest
Infects the target with a disease that deals (117/1006) shadow damage over 18 seconds.
Alliance Locations
- Dun Morogh: Found on Leper Gnomes outside of Gnomeregan or can be looted from a container near Fizzlebub.
- Elwynn Forest: Drops from Goldtooth.
- Teldrassil: The rune is at the bottom of the burial mound of Ban’ethil in a Creakclaw Crate (where you get the fourth of the four crates during the quest “The Relics of Awakening”).
Horde Locations
- Durotar: Drops from Kul Tiras Sailor and Kul Tiras Marine.
- Tirisfal: Drops from Gillgar (/way 25, 48).
Shadow Word: Death
Slot: Hands
A word of binding darkness that deals (*261/100) to (*305/100) shadow damage to the target. If the target does not die from ‘Shadow Word: Death,’ the caster suffers damage equal to the damage inflicted on the target.
Alliance Locations
- Loch Modan: Kneel (/kneel) at the Heretical Idol in Mo’grosh Stronghold (/way 71.8, 27.6).
- Westfall: Dropped by Leprithus.
- Darkshore: Interact with a glowing orb on a small island at /way 30.5, 47.05.
Horde Locations
- The Barrens: Find the Mirage of the Desert (approx. /way 54.8, 35.6) and cast Banish on it.
- Silverpine Forest: Loot a scroll on the table near Thule Ravenclaw at the top of the tower on Fenris Isle.
Slot: Hands
Hurls a volley of holy light at the target, dealing (*128/100) holy damage to an enemy or healing an allied target instantly and then every 1 second for 2 seconds, restoring (*106/100) health each time.
Alliance Locations
- Dun Morogh: Complete the quest “Meditation on the Light.”
- Elwynn Forest: Complete the quest “Meditation on the Light.”
- Teldrassil: Complete the quest “Meditation on Elune.”
Horde Locations
- Durotar: Complete the quest “Wisdom of the Loa.”
- Tirisfal: Complete the quest “Meditation on Undeath.”