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Google’s AI-driven search experience introduces AI-powered summaries, enhancements to definitions, and improvements in coding assistance.

AI-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE) that could transform the way we relate to online publications is being introduced by Google. While SGE has already organized search results, its newest feature is set to redefine article reading by offering efficient and informative summaries. This innovative capability is initially being introduced on iOS and Android platforms, with plans to extend it to Google Chrome on desktop computers.

Easing Article Exploration and Understanding

“SGE while browsing,” the new feature basically aims to simplify the process of comprehending lengthy online articles for the ease of users. Although not immediately available to all users, Google AI is gradually introducing it as an early experiment within its opt-in Search Labs program. Those who’ve already opted into SGE will have access, and for others, it’s possible to opt into this feature independently. For now, users can access it via the Google app on Android and iOS devices, followed by integration into the Chrome browser on desktops in the near future.


For users of the Google app on mobile devices, a simple tap on an icon at the bottom of the screen will trigger the display of AI-generated “key points” from the article. It’s important to note that this feature functions exclusively with articles freely accessible to the public online and won’t work on websites with paywalls, as designated by publishers.

Source: Google

Nonetheless, SGE will be receiving new enhancements from Google such as improving user understanding of AI-generated responses and creating a more informative and user-friendly experience.

Appreciating Learning: Google’s New AI Features

Google’s commitment to enhancing user understanding and learning extends beyond article summaries. The company’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is undergoing updates that enable users to delve into unfamiliar territories with confidence and ease. These updates include tools for accessing definitions of complex terms, refining coding skills across languages, and even tapping into AI capabilities while browsing.

Unraveling Complexity with Ease

One of the remarkable new features lets users hover over specific words to preview definitions and gain access to related images or diagrams associated with the topic. This enhancement will be applicable to AI-generated responses in areas such as STEM, economics, and history, where intricate terms might warrant further clarification.

Google AI
Source: Google

For programmers seeking assistance from SGE, a noteworthy feature will simplify the understanding and debugging of generated code. While SGE currently provides AI-generated overviews to aid in programming tasks, including generating code snippets and answering how-to queries, the update will introduce color-coded segments of code. This intuitive visual distinction will make it easier to identify elements like keywords, comments, and strings within the code.

While the innovative “SGE while browsing” feature remains in its early experimentation phase within Search Labs, its potential is undeniable. By appreciating engagement with long-form content and enabling users to pinpoint relevant information within content Google’s AI-driven enhancements underscore the company’s commitment to accessible and user-friendly information dissemination. These new innovations, collectively known as Gemini, are expected to give Google the ability to produce products its competitors can’t, according to a person involved with Gemini’s development.

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