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Google Chrome Adds 5 Long-Awaited and Useful Features for Your Mobile

The Google Chrome app for iOS and Android has just been updated with 5 new features. These features vary and will change how you search for content, offering faster actions than before. They are small changes that refine the browser and make it more similar to the applications on the two main mobile operating systems.

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As usual, Google prioritizes functions in its Android app and sometimes forgets to integrate very interesting options into Apple mobile phones. Now, all those users who use Google Chrome on the iPhone will greatly appreciate the browser update.

When will the new features arrive? Google has announced on its blog that all but one should be available worldwide from now on, so you can check Chrome to see the updates. Additionally, Google has not indicated an update number, so all the functions could arrive on the server side and appear by surprise without needing to install anything.

New Actions in Google Chrome Searches

The first new feature aims to save time. Now, when you search for a local restaurant or business, Google Chrome will show you several actions—call, reviews, and address—before you click on the search button.

Google knows that most searches for these places are to see reviews, navigate to their location, or call to make a reservation. They have simplified the process so you don’t have to search through the results to find these options.

This feature is now available on all Android phones and tablets. However, if you have an iPhone, you will have to wait until autumn of this year to use it.

Google Chrome Adds 5 Long Awaited and Useful Features for Your Mobile (1)

New Search Bar on Tablets

Continuing with the improvements, Google Chrome has redesigned the search bar for Android tablets and iPads. It now features the Material You design and shows more information about websites, along with recommendations from the browser. There is no need to wait, as this update is already available on both operating systems.

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Google Chrome Understands Your Searches Better

One of the most interesting new features is related to recommended results and learning from your actions. Chrome can now learn from your previous searches to show you better answers.

For example, if you usually start typing the word ‘schedules’ to get results about subway schedules, Google will now understand what you want and offer you the ideal recommendation higher up.

Google Chrome Adds 5 Long Awaited and Useful Features for Your Mobile (3)

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Trends in Chrome for iOS

One of the new features that Google Chrome has announced is an option that has been on Android for a long time and is now coming to iOS. The browser on Apple devices will now show trends below the search bar before you even type. The goal is for you to see the most relevant events or searches in your area and, if they interest you, learn more about them. This feature is also coming to iPadOS.

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More Sports in The Discover Feed

Lastly, Google has also updated the Discover feed on iOS and Android. This section now shows new cards related to sports and important matches. If you follow a team or have shown interest in it, you will see relevant information about scores, news, and events.

Google Chrome Adds 5 Long Awaited and Useful Features for Your Mobile (5)

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