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Blame it on the Bugs? Research Shows iOS 17 Installed on Only 24% of iPhones

The iOS 17, Apple’s new operating system version, had a tumultuous launch due to numerous reports of performance and battery life issues occurring after its installation. Despite being compatible with all phones released from the iPhone XR onwards, the software seems to be struggling to attract users of the brand.

Low Adoption Rates Highlight Concerns

According to statistics from Mixpanel accessed this Monday, 09 Oct, the four available versions of iOS 17 are installed on only 24% of Apple’s phones. This adoption rate is significantly lower than in previous years, potentially due to reported bugs with the current OS generation.

Comparing to Past Versions

In the previous year, iOS 16 had surpassed the initial adoption of iOS 15, reaching 6.71% of users within just 24 hours. As of this Monday (09), three weeks after its release, iOS 17 is only present on 24% of iPhones. During the same timeframe, its predecessor was already on 30.91% of devices, according to data from the same platform.

Apple iPhone iOS 17

Addressing Bugs with iOS 17.0.3

Out of the 24% of users who have installed iOS 17, 14.47% are running the latest available version, iOS 17.0.3. This update addressed most of the bugs reported by users over the past weeks, including battery drainage and overheating issues on the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Initial Overheating Concerns Dispelled

Initially, there was a belief that the brand’s new phones were heating up excessively due to an issue with the A17 Pro chip. However, industry analysts pointed to the design, which seemed to compromise heat dissipation in the flagships. Apple refuted the claims, and tests have shown that iOS 17.0.3 resolved the bug.

Related: iPhone 15 Pro User Reports Overheating A17 Pro Chip Causing Battery Swelling

Related: Apple Confirms Update to Address Overheating In iPhone 15

Majority Remain on iOS 16.6.1

Most users are still running iOS 16.6.1, even though the latest available version for the previous OS generation is iOS 16.7. Some popular models from the brand, including the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, will not be eligible for iOS 17.

Apple iPhone iOS 17

Future Prospects for iOS 17

It is anticipated that as new versions of iOS 17 are released by Apple, the platform will become more stable and expand its presence among the brand’s phones.

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