“Why the hell is everything so big?” many Netflix subscribers ask on Reddit, receiving no answer. Netflix has redesigned its app, but the new interface is not well received by subscribers. There is no one in the Reddit thread who sees the redesigned Netflix interface as a positive change.
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There is unanimous criticism that the icons with the covers of films and series have become much too large. According to those affected, this leads to a rapid decline in clarity. When browsing through the catalog, much less content is visible on the screen than with the old interface, they say unanimously.
After starting the Netflix app, subscribers only see a large icon with a title that then plays automatically. It is currently unclear whether this automatic playback can be turned off. Subscribers complain that the app no longer offers any settings for smart TVs and streaming devices.
Not Only Oversized Icons Annoy Customers
Many people miss the “New and Popular” and “Recently Added” sections on the home screen. These sections will probably still exist and will be included in the “Movies and Series” sections. This suggests that Netflix has not provided its subscribers with any instructions on how to use the new interface.
This trend is currently common in the IT world: presenting customers with a new interface for a service or program and then expecting them to navigate it without any support. Sometimes they have to laboriously search for functions they have used before.
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Customers Start Petition
According to information on Reddit, subscribers reacted to the new interface by canceling their Netflix subscriptions as a form of protest. The new interface has not yet been distributed to all customers, so Golem.de cannot try it out for themselves. Netflix intended to test the new interface first and only roll it out to more customers if the changes are accepted.
With a petition, Netflix subscribers want the provider to reverse all the changes and make the old interface available again. According to the petition, subscribers had an overview of at least 20 titles in the old interface – now a maximum of four icons can be seen. As of press time, the petition had been signed by five people.
Netflix Customers Want Better WatchlistsIn the Reddit thread, subscribers are asking for their own watchlists to no longer be sorted according to a random principle devised by Netflix. This demand is not part of the petition against the new interface. For the past year, Netflix has only allowed subscribers to sort their watchlists themselves on smartphones and tablets. Subscribers have been waiting for this feature since the early days of Netflix 17 years ago.
Subscribers are still waiting for such a function in the Netflix app on smart TVs and streaming devices. If Netflix ever offers this option, it would be helpful if the app remembered the customers’ sorting preferences. On smartphones and tablets, Netflix’s completely random sorting is selected by default, and subscribers have to change this repeatedly if they want to sort manually.
In the market for streaming subscriptions, Netflix is the only provider in Germany with a watchlist function that regularly changes the sorting of customers’ watchlists. Other providers such as Disney+ or Paramount+ use a watchlist in which new entries can be found at the top of the list.
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