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Ubisoft CEO Confirms Assassin’s Creed Remakes

Rumors of an Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag remake have circulated for some time. Recently, during an interview on Ubisoft’s official website, Yves Guillemot, CEO of the French company, confirmed that remakes of multiple titles in the series are currently in development.

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While Guillemot didn’t provide specifics, he assured that Ubisoft is actively working on Assassin’s Creed remakes. The series debuted in 2006, almost 20 years ago, with some titles still featuring gameplay and mechanics cherished by many. Most of the series is now accessible on current consoles, prompting questions about the necessity of these remakes. Here’s what the CEO had to say on the matter:

“Firstly, players can be excited about some remakes, which will allow us to revisit some of the games we’ve created in the past and modernize them;”

He also added:

“There are worlds in some of our older Assassin’s Creed games that are still extremely rich.”

In response to the question of what Ubisoft can bring to the games-as-a-service market to ensure they stand out from the crowd. Yves Guillemot said:

“We need to continue to listen closely to our players and make well-informed decisions on where to focus our efforts, because if you succeed at GaaS, you can succeed for the long-term.”

Resuming Annual Releases and Future Developments in the Assassin’s Creed Series

Ubisoft CEO Confirms Assassin's Creed Remakes (1)

The intriguing aspect is that the Assassin’s Creed series will likely resume annual releases, a practice that faced significant criticism previously. Following the launch of Syndicate, Ubisoft reconsidered its approach to game development within this series, opting to invest more time in delivering each new title. This shift culminated in Origins, one of the franchise’s most acclaimed entries.

Now, it appears they are prepared to fully resume production on the series. While specific details are currently scarce, Assassin’s Creed: Shadows is slated for release this year, with Hexe planned for the future. It is probable that amidst these releases, a remake, potentially of Black Flag, will emerge. We eagerly anticipate the series’ future developments.

Meanwhile, it’s worth noting that Assassin’s Creed: Shadows will launch on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on November 15, 2024. In related news, the producer defends Shadows from public scrutiny. Additionally, you can view new gameplay footage of this title here.

Read Also: Assassin’s Creed Mirage Becomes Ubisoft’s Biggest Release on PS5 and Xbox Series

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