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Instagram Faces Another Glitch: Audio Issues Plague Older Videos

Instagram, a social network under Meta, much like Facebook and WhatsApp, is encountering a peculiar malfunction. This isn’t about your settings; the issue lies within the platform itself.

Age and Rarity

Recently, Instagram has faced a glitch—albeit not across the entire platform but affecting a specific feature. While private messages and comments remain accessible, audio has become scarce in certain videos. An unmistakable absence of sound becomes apparent when attempting to play videos dating back to 2014. Visuals display, yet the sound is absent—a universal experience across devices, be it computers, iOS, or Android devices. An error message pops up, stating: “The video has no sound.”

This error specifically targets videos posted before the end of 2014, impacting over a year’s worth of uploaded content.

Origin and Impact

Determining the root cause of this issue remains elusive. However, it unequivocally affects videos posted between June 2013 and October 2014—a period pivotal to Instagram’s video introduction.

Such malfunctions might induce panic among Instagram users as the platform’s allure often lies in preserving cherished moments. Audio serves as an integral component, enhancing these experiences.

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User Discontent and Meta’s Response

Evidently, audio-related malfunctions aren’t novel. Users previously flagged this concern, with some expressing anguish over the loss of meaningful audio in poignant videos. Meta has reassured users that a resolution is underway, though no specific timeline for normalization has been provided.

Seine Kim, a spokesperson, addressed the issue, stating, “We are aware that a bug has affected some users’ access to audio in older posts. The issue is being resolved, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

While Instagram’s glitch continues to mar the audio experience in older videos, Meta’s acknowledgment and ongoing efforts signify a commitment to rectify the issue, assuaging concerns among affected users.

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