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Facebook to Discontinue Facebook News in the UK, France, and Germany

Facebook announced today on a blog post that it will deactivate the Facebook News Tab in the UK, France, and Germany. The tab will be discontinued on December 1, 2023.

Facebook’s Strategic Shift: Prioritizing Connection Over Facebook News

In a statement, Facebook stated that this decision is part of their ongoing efforts to better allocate investments towards products and services. The company has observed that people do not come to Facebook primarily for news and political content but rather to connect with others and discover new opportunities, passions, and interests.

Meta - Facebook News UK, France, and Germany

News accounts for less than 3% of what people worldwide see in their Facebook feeds. Therefore, discovering news is only a small part of the Facebook experience for the vast majority of users.

The changes to Facebook‘s news feature will not affect Meta‘s products and services in these countries.

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