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We might witness return of StarCraft, hinted by Blizzard’s President

Blizzard’s president, Mike Ybarra, recently suggested that StarCraft could make a return, though not necessarily in its traditional real-time strategy (RTS) format.

The iconic StarCraft 2 has been on the scene for 13 years, but during BlizzCon’s recent opening ceremony, the series received minimal attention. Despite this, Ybarra, recognizing StarCraft’s pivotal role in shaping Esports, hinted at the possibility of its resurgence.

While Blizzard remains engrossed in successful titles like Warcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch, Ybarra expressed a willingness to welcome back StarCraft. However, he clarified that the nature of its return would hinge on an individual or team with a compelling vision and passion for the concept. Ybarra emphasized the importance of finding the right team rather than simply issuing a directive himself.

This strategic approach is consistent with Blizzard’s handling of other series, such as Warcraft, which has evolved into expansions for Hearthstone and World of Warcraft.

Despite the thriving state of the RTS genre with the revival of dormant series like Homeworld and Sins of a Solar Empire, Blizzard seems to have diminished faith in it.

If StarCraft were to make a comeback, there’s a possibility it might deviate from its traditional RTS roots, potentially disappointing fans who have a deep connection with the classic genre.

Despite the potential shift, many in the gaming community believe that this could be the opportune moment for Blizzard to reinvest in RTS, especially considering the genre’s current state of excitement and innovation.

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