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How To Enable XMP on MSI BIOS (Step by Step Guide)

If you assembled your own PC and invested in fast RAM, it’s likely that the RAM isn’t operating at the speeds it claims. RAM typically runs slower unless you specifically activate XMP (Extreme Memory Profile). XMP can be activated on motherboards that are compatible with XMP and support memory with XMP profiles. Below are the steps to enable XMP in MSI BIOS:

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  • Turn off your computer.
  • When turning it back on, press the Delete key on your keyboard to enter the MSI BIOS.
  • If your screen does not look like the BIOS interface, press F7 on your keyboard to enter advanced mode.
  • Next, you’ll see an XMP profile option. Select it.
  • Navigate to settings and choose “Save Changes and Reboot.”
  • Upon rebooting, you’ll see the change from XMP being disabled to enabled.
  • Enter the BIOS again to double-check whether the changes have been applied.
  • Click on OC and look for DRAM settings.
  • Start your computer again, and in Task Manager, you’ll notice your RAM is running at its rated speed (e.g., 3200 megahertz) under the performance tab.

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