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Twitch: Streamer Receives $10,000 Donation – Under One Condition

Twitch streamer Jinnytty is widely recognized for her globetrotting adventures, which she shares with her viewers through livestreaming. During her journey across the United States to celebrate the Lunar New Year, one of her viewers unexpectedly surprised her with a significant donation, right in the midst of her stream. The viewer donated $10,000 – but with a condition attached.

For those immediately wary of potential conditions, rest assured. The motive behind this generous donation is both uplifting and poignant. The donation was intended for Jinnytty to use towards taking her audience on a cruise journey. In a text message, the donor presented several trip options for the streamer to consider.

Jinnytty’s Dilemma

Initially uncertain whether to accept such a substantial donation, Jinnytty pondered the possibility of typographical errors or donors retracting their contributions later on.

Shortly thereafter, the same donor sent another text message via donation: “I’m giving you the money in cash so you have the freedom to choose the trip and the timing of your travels. Feel free to give me a call if you want to see my deep blue eyes. You know how to find me.”

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A Tragic Undercurrent

Upon reading the donor’s messages, Jinnytty discovered that the donor apparently suffers from a muscular disease, reducing their life expectancy to approximately 10-15 years.

These revelations were undoubtedly heavy for Jinnytty to bear. Earlier in January, another viewer bid farewell, expressing gratitude to Jinnytty for her wonderful travel streams around the world. The viewer later succumbed to cancer, leaving behind a farewell letter for the streamer.

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Beyond the Streams

What may appear as simple Twitch streams from travel streamers to some, represents something far greater for others who may no longer have the opportunity to explore the world. Whether Jinnytty accepted the $10,000 in cash remains undisclosed. However, she promised her viewers to continue taking them along on her adventures through the world via livestream.

Source: Dexerto


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