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Diablo 4: Is There Really a Secret Cow Level? Developers Lead Fans on a Fresh Trail

Since the release of Diablo 4, rumors have been circulating about a secret cow level in the game, with resourceful fans still fruitlessly searching for its months after its release. Now, two developers of the game have provided a new clue suggesting that it actually exists – contrary to the previous statement that the cow level had not made its way into the fourth installment of the Hack and Slash series.

Diablo 4: The Search for the Secret Cow Level Is Not Yet Over

Diablo’s General Manager, Rod Fergusson, personally stated some time ago that there was “no secret level” in Diablo 4. However, this did not deter the community from continuing to search for the mysterious cow level in Sanctuary. Just last month, the puzzle’s solution came one crucial step closer: a player obtained a relic for which exactly 666 cows had to sacrifice their lives.

But now, the exciting scavenger hunt appears to continue, as at BlizzCon 2023, held this weekend in Anaheim, California, before thousands of fans, Production Director Tiffany Wat and Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora hinted that the legendary cow level might have also found its way into Diablo 4.

Piepiora jokingly responded to an inquiry from IGN with the fitting question: “Did you say cow level?” before Wat added the words “sounds utterly ridiculous.” “I mean, I’ve heard that a lot of players out there have been slaughtering cows,” it continues. Piepiora seemingly responds in horror, “Poor, innocent cows in the landscape of Diablo?” “Poor, innocent cows in Sanctuary,” Wat clarifies.

“I mean, Sanctuary is not a good place, even for a cow. But if people have taken any items from their cow campaign… cow-slaying campaign… then they should keep them,” Wat continues, before her colleague saves her from further putting her foot in her mouth with the words “I don’t know what she’s talking about.” For fans, it is now clear: this is a definite indication that the secret cow level exists – though it may possibly be made available with an upcoming update. For more information on what else the future holds for Diablo 4, check out our comprehensive interview from BlizzCon 2023.

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