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Google Bard’s Latest Update Introduces ‘Memory’ Feature: Chatbot to Recall Key Information

This week, Google Bard received an update that enhances its ability to provide personalized responses by gaining insights into users’ preferences and past interactions. This exciting addition is made possible through the introduction of a ‘memory’ feature, which users can activate or deactivate according to their preferences in the chatbot settings.

According to the Android Police portal, prior to this update, interactions with the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot always started from scratch, ignoring any previous conversations. However, this has now changed. With the ‘memory’ feature enabled, the platform becomes adept at considering prior statements and chat details when generating future responses.

The ‘memory’ function allows the AI to recall past interactions, leading to more tailored responses. For instance, if a user is a vegan, the chatbot can create a ‘memory’ to ensure it never suggests recipes containing animal-derived ingredients, such as milk and eggs. This enhances the user’s experience by eliminating irrelevant suggestions that don’t align with their lifestyle.

Furthermore, users can seamlessly integrate Bard with other Google services like Maps, YouTube, and Documents, enabling the chatbot to leverage data from these platforms when answering queries or executing commands. It’s worth noting that this feature is being rolled out gradually, so not all users will have access to it simultaneously.

In addition to these user-centric updates, Google also unveiled a new option on Friday (29) that allows website administrators to opt out of contributing to the training of Bard and Vertex AI’s artificial intelligence models. This move aims to bolster privacy controls for web platform developers.

To achieve this, Google is introducing ‘Google-Extended,’ a new control that website owners can use to manage their websites’ role in training Bard and Vertex AI’s generative models, as well as future iterations of language models and other technologies that power Google’s products.



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