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“X Premium” users can now hide which posts they like.

The microblogging site “X” continuing its efforts to attract more paying users, has announced that from now on, “X Premium” subscription plan users will have the option to hide information about which posts they have liked. When this feature is activated, the “Likes” section on the user’s profile will completely disappear.

The new feature will also be a good way to hide from others that the user likes, for example, controversial posts. Likewise, the option to hide the “Likes” section could be used by well-known individuals, politicians, and opinionated individuals, many of whom are already “X Premium” users.

In this regard, one can recall the 2017 scandal involving US politician Ted Cruz, who had “liked” pornographic content on Twitter, forgetting that this information is publicly available. Hiding “Likes” is another step by “X” to increase the number of paying users. We have already mentioned that “X” ad revenues have decreased by 59% compared to the previous year.

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